Halal in the modern world
Halal in the modern world
The current pace of development of the human world does not allow people to control their environment. It is difficult to keep track of the quality of the products consumed, if you are a simple layman, poorly versed in the names of chemical compounds added to food, cosmetics, perfumes, clothing, hygiene products. Components, the purpose of which in a particular product sometimes baffle even the most advanced specialists, are unlikely to be understood by an ordinary person. There is no doubt that antibiotics added to meat can not benefit the body. Also, no benefit, but mainly harm, is carried by the meat of an animal killed with inhumane cruelty. The soul and body that were raised in fear and anxiety will not be able to transfer the benefit to a person, because at the time of death they experienced incredibly terrible torments, which can not but affect the quality of the muscle fibers in the animal's body. This kind of killing leads to a sharp release of fear hormones by the brain into the bloodstream.
After reading the above, you, dear reader, you will most likely be at a loss: "How can I avoid eating low-quality food?” The answer to this question has been around for more than 1,500 years. The religion of Islam has introduced into the daily lives of billions of people a clear distinction between "Halal" and”Haram". Translating literally from Arabic, we learn. that these two words mean "permitted” and" forbidden." Going deeper into the meaning, we can say that Halal is everything that is allowed to be used and consumed for a person who professes Islam. This concept has a fairly broad range of influence. Halal can be called not only food. This also applies to cosmetics and perfumes, recreation, entertainment, ways of earning a living, services provided, business areas, and even clothing falls under the influence of halal. Haram refers to everything that is contrary to what is permitted. Simply put, haram is sinful, base, unworthy. A striking example of haram in life is the ban on any kind of alcohol and other intoxicating substances for a person.
In the modern world, the halal industry is not just a set of assumptions and restrictions for a Muslim, but also a synonym for the environmental friendliness, purity and safety of the product used.
The spread of information on our planet among people has reached incredible speeds. Along with the rapid growth of society, there has been a marked increase in the number of people who prefer products that are not harmful when consumed and used by humans. The Islamic Society and approved organizations carefully monitor the quality and integrity of each stage of the production of halal products. Strict control is due to the need to provide the Muslim people with high-quality food that does not carry danger. Moreover, the products should not belong to the forbidden haram and should not lead people to sin.
After learning about the painstaking quality control, environmental friendliness of products and the integrity of suppliers/manufacturers, people who are not related to the Muslim religion began to prefer products with the “Halal”sign. Thus, they chose manufacturers who officially took responsibility for their goods.
So what is halal in the modern world for a person of our time?
To sum up, I want to note that first of all this is the choice of a person who monitors their health and quality of life. The philosophy of the division into "permissible” and" forbidden” is not just a requirement of religion for people. This is a real concern for the purity of the body and soul of both the manufacturer and the consumer. Being responsible to God, suppliers are literally responsible to God with their souls for the unfair performance of their duties. Halal products can only be produced by people who are clear in their conscience before themselves and the world.